duminică, 20 iunie 2010

Make money out of nothing.

Really, has anyone tried to make money online? there are sooo many sites out there, that pay you to click ( 1 cent/click, you make NOTHING, DONT TRY IT ).

Pay you to post on forums or write articles, these one work but it's hard to find good content and people to pay you, it also doesn't pay out really well.

In the end, after trying scam after scam on the internet, i got to the conclusion: it's not possible to make easy money on the internet, but… WHY WOULD IT BE?

But, still, it is possible to make money on the internet all you have to do is WORK hard, LEARN many things ,how to convert trafic, how to sell your product, what kind of site to start,how to monetize SIMPLE YOUTUBE VIDEOS, you don't need to be partner to win money from them… It's really great, but you gotta see the opurtinities and seize them!, grab the oportunity by its legs and shout to it until it gives you MONEY.

In the past days i have learned many things, understood the importance of backlinks, partnerlinks,adwords,adsense,CPA, oportunities, sellling the RIGHT thing, at the RIGHT time in the RIGHT place. It's all things you have to learn, you can make thousands of dollars just by selling an eBook you'll buy with 4$.

But i'm not here to sell anything, neither to advertise my site or anything else. . I'm here to share with you the place where i have learned all of this, where people tell you for free their plans, how they gained money, they help you if you ask questions and it's the best place to learn how to make actual money on the internet.

Here is the link :


- Please use this link, because it will appear that you were reffered by me, look carefully on the site if you don't believe me ,I DON'T GET ANY MONEY IF YOU SIGNUP BY MY LINK, it's just that i want people to see i helped the comunity. It's no piramidal thing, you don't get money for asking people to signup, i'm just trying to help.

Good Luck to you all!.. Btw, learning is free.

For any other questions ,feel free to ask.

marți, 15 iunie 2010

Fiverr.com good and cheap services.

Basically the site is about What would you do for 5 dollars. You will make a seller account and write all the things that you would do for 5 dollars, no more , no less.

Leaving that aside, the website is a great solution for buyers also, you can get traffic to your website and many other things for only 5$.

There is also no referall program, it's no pyramidal hoaks and it works. Try it : www.fiverr.com

vineri, 7 mai 2010

Dave Days finally met Miley.

this has been going on
each second i look you're gone
you're not calling
it's time for me to move on
my friends were right all along
you keep falling away

giving ups not easy
its hard enough to say

as much as i make believe
you're not really here with me
what was i thinking from the beginning
you didn't care at all

so here's your last song

i can leave it all behind
or take another chance to find you
no where in sight
going to the movies alone
every scenes that's shown
reminds me of you

as much as i make believe
you're not really here with me
what was i thinking from the beginning
you didn't care at all
all that's left are the memories
constantly haunting me
i'm giving up it's time to grow up
you're not around and we're not in love
heres the last song

laying around in around in this hotel room
too much to think about nothing to do
she's not coming back she's not coming back

as much as i make believe
something in side of me
has got me hoping got me thinking
who am i to assume

this love is crazy
unpredictable maybe
you'll melt my heart like you did from the start
all over again it's not the end

so here's your last song

yeah we made it out

luni, 3 mai 2010

Cum sunt fetele - Little Man short.

Cât de adevărat şi tragic în acelaşi timp...

vineri, 30 aprilie 2010

Justin Bieber - You're just a baby, baby baby.

Save the planet! Kill yourself!

I know you love me they all do
Hop on the list babe I might pick you
I fell in love girl many times
My heart first broke when I was nine
She cheated on me it really hurt
On the playground with some jerk
I know what love is I've got full experience
But deep down inside

I'm just a baby baby baby Ohhh
A baby baby baby no don't touch me!
Baby baby baby ohhsdfjkldsj
Puberty suck sometimes!

I'm making money everywhere
I've got a room full of underwear
But I don't want you money
And I don't want your clothes
I want a girl who knows
How to maintain a stable relationship
With good communication
Can you take care of kids?
Cause' I've got names picked out
And a drivers license in about (5 months)
I know it all sounds scary
Now baby let's get married
I keep forgetting that I'm

I'm just a baby baby baby Ohhh
A baby baby baby no don't touch me!
Baby baby baby ohhsdfjkldsj
I move away from the microphone to breathe

When I was like 12 I fell in love hard
That's when I knew I couldn't be without girl
Weddings in March
So grab my pack of crayons let's hit the 7th grade
My voice is changing up but I'm still getting
...ies home phone numbers so I can call their moms
to talk to my moms to see if we can hang out after
school for a few hours when your moms home from work

WOAH WHAT! Dave don't be such a...

Baby baby baby Ohhh
A baby baby baby no don't touch me!
Baby baby baby ohhsdfjkldsj
Puberty suck sometimes!

vineri, 16 aprilie 2010

Johnny Cash - Hurt

I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

duminică, 11 aprilie 2010

Salvati Gropile!

Salvati gropile! Poti ignora acest mesaj , si trece mai departe, insa te va urmari pentru tot restul vietii, te va roade din interior pana cand propria constiinta te va distruge.
Acest ecosistem complex este in pericol, plombarea gropilor este o problema reala, chiar in timp ce citesti asta, ele sunt distruse si plombate, este intradevar tragic.
Ei trebuie sa fie opriti din aceasta nebunie!

marți, 6 aprilie 2010

Obama Rick Rolled

Prea tare, mult prea tare xD

duminică, 4 aprilie 2010

Sorega Ai Deshou

Even if there are days when the tears roll down my cheeks 
I want to have your back all for myself, but

because kindness is also cruel sometimes 
I lose sight of the answer the more I search for it

If you can see the rainbow in the town after the rain 
let's start walking now, something is about to begin

Because I have you, because I have tomorrow
 because I can't live on all alone I feel you so close by me,
 I guess that's love Because you know how much pain tears can bring
 I want to find a smile in your transparent eyes 
as I search for a definite meaning in them

Although it'd be good if these feelings found their way into your heart  
without me needing to speak a word, 

The colour of the town changes little by little but see, 
our memories have again increased by one

Because now I can embrace every word that you said 
I'm sure that we'll come closer to each other  
I guess that's love 
Even if a tomorrow that nobody knows is waiting for us it's all right, 
don't cry anymore we'll join hands and keep walking on forever

It isn't something that builds up in an instant but a feeling that grows a little at a time,
 the feeling called love

Because I have you, because I have tomorrow 
because I can't live on all alone I feel you so close by me, 
I guess that's love Because you know how much pain tears can bring
 I want to find a smile in your transparent eyes as I search for a definite meaning in them

Cine vrea melodia ... let me know xP
e in Japoneza actually, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu opening ^^

luni, 29 martie 2010


Ok deci. www.lockerz.com este un site pe care te poţi juca jocuri, răspunde la întrebări, te uiţi la filme şi alte chestii de genu. Pentru fiecare lucru pe care îl faci primeşti un anumit număr de puncte. Când ai o anumită sumă poţi să îţi cumperi produse de pe site-ul lor : Camere Video, Aparate Foto, Telefoane Mobile, iPod-uri şi multe altele.

Pentru a te înscrie pe site ai nevoie să fii invitat de un alt membru.

Cei care vreţi invitaţii lăsaţi numele şi E-mail-ul ca şi comment mai jos.

duminică, 28 martie 2010

Romania : Locul 4 in lume la viteza medie a conexiunilor la internet

Locul 4 in lume la viteza medie a conexiunilor la internet
Romania ocupa in trimestrul al treilea din 2009 locul patru pe plan mondial in functie de media vitezelor conexiunilor la internet, fiind devansata doar de Coreea de Sud, Japonia si Hong Kong, arata cea mai noua editie a raportului State of the Internet, intocmit de compania Akamai. Viteza medie a conexiunilor internet pe plan mondial este de 1,7 Mbps, in Romania este 6,2 Mbps, iar in SUA este de 3,9 Mbps.

Coreea de Sud avea cea mai mare viteza medie a conexiunilor la internet, 14,6 Mbps, crestere de 14% in ultimul an. Japonia si Hong Kong aveau viteze medii intre 7 si 8 Mbps, iar Romania 6,2 Mbps, crestere de 12% fata de Q3 2008. Suedia, Irlanda si Olanda ocupa locurile urmatoare in top 10, cu viteze medii intre 5 si 6 Mbps, iar clasamentul e incheiat de Elvetia, Danemarca si Cehia.

Per total, in Romania 46% dintre conexiunile broadband au viteze de peste 5 Mbps, iar 1,8% au viteze foarte mari de peste 25 Mbps. In Coreea de Sud 74% dintre conexiuni au peste 5 Mbps si 16% peste 25 Mbps.

Akamai a intocmit si un clasament al oraselor care au adoptat in cea mai mare masura internetul broadband de mare viteza, calculand cate din conexiuni au peste 5 Mbps. In clasamentul european al oraselor cu cel mai mare procentaj de conexiuni la Akamai la viteze de peste 5 Mbps, orasul Galati ocupa locul noua, cu 75%. Primele doua locuri sunt ocupate de orasele Pecs si Miskolc din Ungaria, cu 90%, respectiv 88%. In top 10 se mai afla si alte orase est-euopene: Ilguciems din Letonia si Presov din Slovacia.

In lume, Iowa City din SUA e orasul cu cel mai mare procent de conexiuni de peste 5 Mbps (92% din total). In Asia, cel mai bine sta orasul israelian Beersheva (84%), in Africa locul unu e ocupat de capitala Marocului - Rabat (26%), iar in America de Sud orasul chilean Valparaiso e lider, cu doar 6,2%.

Akamai detine peste 55.000 de servere in 70 de tari si transporta o cantitate uriasa de trafic web. Compania are acces la informatii detaliate despre gradul de penetrare al internetului pe plan mondial, iar in trimestrul al treilea peste 444 milioane de IP-uri din mai bine de 200 de tari au fost conectate la retelele companiei.

de Vlad Barza HotNews.ro

Google Wave

Mai am 6 invitaţii de dat :)

Long time no post